Welcome to the
world of EFT

I’m excited to tell you more

A little about me

My Story

When I first tried Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) I was sceptical, but I was amazed by the shift that happened within me in a single session.

I used it with a therapist on a memory I had. It wasn’t a particularly traumatic one, but it was a visceral memory and one that I’d think about whenever something reminded me of it. When it popped into my head I’d be back in the moment, triggered, feeling the emotions in my body.

After just 30 minutes of tapping on it and giving myself the space to look at it and really acknowledge how that event made me feel, and accept that those emotions and feelings had been real, it was like the charge was gone from the memory.

I remembered the emotions but I no longer felt them throughout my whole body, I no longer re-lived them every time the memory popped into my head!

I realised the power of the technique and I’ve been hooked since then.

Professional Background

Before deciding to retrain as an EFT Practitioner I worked in the NHS in Clinical Genetics.

I have a fascination with the brain and healing and how to live, and help others live more joyfully… it really is a passion for me. Since having my twin boys it’s become even more of a priority in my life.

EFT has really helped me and I’d love the opportunity to share it with you!


EFT Level 1 and Level 2 – EFT International (EFTi)

MSc Clinical Science – Genetics  (Distinction) Nottingham University

BSc Genetics (with Professional Training Year) – Cardiff University

Why I love EFT so much

It’s a simple technique that’s easy to learn. It can be used effectively to manage day to day stresses on your own.

But it is also a powerful tool that with professional guidance can heal significant trauma or deep seated negative patterns and make huge permanent shifts.

I really think the world needs it!

If you’ve got something you’d like to work on please do get in touch, I’d love to work with you!